All genetic and limited markings can be found here. All markings apply to all species unless otherwise stated.
Marking & Design Rules
Characters can have a max of 12 markings, not including limited markings.
The lineart of your import must be darker than any design that sits over it.
You may add highlights/lowlights to your character's eyes as long as the original color is most visible.
No shading allowed on the original import reference, you can shade any other images or art of them.
Markings may utilize any color within the base coat coloration as long as it following the markings guidelines, they may also utilize the colors; Shadow and Snowy. If the character's base coat is a green color, they may utilize Shadow and Lime.
Base Coat Modifiers
Base modifiers cause the base coat to appear a certain way.​
Lightens the underside of the animal.
Darkens the underside of the animal.
Causes the base coat to form a gradient between two colors or shades. Shadow, Snowy, and Lime can be used for this modifier.
Lightens the underside of the animal.
Passable Markings
Facial Markings
Body Markings
Facial Markings
Body Markings
Facial Markings
Body Markings
What are Limited Markings?
Unlike regular genetic markings, Limited Markings are not subject to the 12-slot limit and are purely for aesthetic purposes. They are non-inheritable and do not show up in the genotype. You may apply up to three Limited Markings to a single character at once.
You can use existing Limited Markings as long as they are marked as public by the creator. Public or private status is at the creator's discretion. Limited Markings do not have their own pages but can be viewed on the creator's character. If a marking is marked as private, please respect the creator's decision and do not ask to use it. Harassing other users for the use of their markings is strictly prohibited and can lead to disciplinary action.
Limited marking creators may be given the opportunity to have their markings added to the official genetics system if they so choose.
Registered Limited Markings
Spiral Stripes - Laarikin#1537 - Public