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Herbs & Medicine

All of the herbs you can fine in Oridenia and their uses, as well as illnesses and injuries.

Herbs & Herbalism


A large bush-like plant with fern-like leaves and small white flowers. The roots are brown and knobby in appearance.

Location: Sorforen Jungle, Deadlands, Snowborrow

Treatment: Chewed to extract the juice of the leave or root.

Usage: Battles infection, eases nausea and diarrhea.



A thin flowering plant with sharp leaves, a tall stalk, and tiny red flowers. The root is brown and knobby in appearance

Location: Leytoro Marsh, Severine Valley

Treatment: Chewed to extract the juice of the root, or shredded and soaked in water for 3 hours and drunk.

Usage: Stimulates Saliva Flow, Aids Digestion, Soothes Sore Throats



A thin flowering plant with fern-like leaves, thin stalks, and small white flowers with big yellow centers.

Location: Deadlands, Snowborrow

Treatment: The leaves and stalks can be chewed to extract the juices, or it can be shredded and soaked in water for 2 hours then drunk.

Usage: Calms Inflammation, Relieves Cramps, Relieves Headaches



A bush-like plant with big white fluffy tendrils at the tops of each thin stalk

Location: Great Plains, Severine Valley, Oriden Spine, Fallen Leaf Forest

Treatment: The base of the plant is cut away, crushed and soaked in water overnight, then drunk. The tufts can be used to clot bleeding wounds and be held in place by spider webs or a leaf wrap.

Usage: Promotes Blood Clotting, Assists with Seizures, Promotes Brain Activity



Small dark yellow flowers, very similar to dandelions

Location: Deadlands, Ferion Hills, Great Plains

Treatment: Chew the leaves into a pulp, swallow or apply to paw pads.

Usage: Eases Breathing, Helps Ease Coughing, Soothes Sore/Cracked Pads



Small bright yellow flowers with thin steams and spiky leaves.

Location: Everywhere

Treatment: Milky liquid drained from the stem and applied to bee stings, leaves can be chewed into a pulp, and the roots can be shredded and soaked in water.

Usage: Eases Bee Sting Swelling, Leaves Relieve Pain, Roots Ease Nausea



Downy, serrated leaves ranging from green, purple, and yellow in color. Flowers are small and white or purple.

Location: Leytoro Marsh, Fallen Leaf Forest, Sorforen Jungle

Treatment: The leaves can be eaten, or chewed and applied to the fur. You can also roll in it.

Usage: Minty Fresh Scent, Cover the Scent of the Dead, Drive Away Fleas & Ticks, Remove Ticks from the Body



A spongy green shrub, commonly found on trees and rocks in marshy areas.

Location: Leytoro Marsh, Fallen Leaf Forest, Great Plains, Ferion Hills, Sorforen Jungle

Treatment: N/A

Usage: Soaks up and Holds Liquid


Raspberry Leaves

Thick round leaves with jagged edges and red berries.

Location: Fallen Leaf Forest, Zirafell Island, Windayle Forest, Severine Valley, Great Plains

Treatment: Leaves Chewed to a Pulp, Tasty Snack

Usage: Used During Births, Leaves Promote Blood Clotting & Muscle Relaxation


Aloe Vera

Thick spiky leaves that have a jelly-like interior

Location: Sorforen Jungle

Treatment: Leaves are cut upon to extract the jelly interior, eaten or applied to the skin, or a wound.

Usage: Moisturizes Dry Paws Pads or Skin, Reduces Joint Pain, Alleviates Nausea, Used on Wounds to Heal without a Scar, Flowers can be dried and used as bedding.



Thin stems with large yellow flowers with thin petals.

Location: Everywhere except Deadlands

Treatment: Stems can be crushed and soaked for 5 hours and drank.

Usage: Helps with inflammation, dried flowers can be used for bedding.


Burning Bush

Small red berries with small sharp leaves.

Location: Fallen Leaf Forest, Windayle Forest, Severine Valley

Treatment: Berries are Crushed and Eaten

Usage: Induces vomiting, too much can be fatal.



Thin stems that have thin sharp leaves with bunches of tiny white flowers

Location: Deadlands, Snowborrow, Sunset Islands

Treatment: Stems are chewed and crushed

Usage: Helps fight fevers and infection.

Injury/Illness Levels

Level 1 || Minor

​Injuries: Cracked Pawpads, Small Scratches, Twisted Paw

Illnesses: Cold, Sour Stomach

Rest Time:

With Treatment: 1 Successful Healing Roll

Without Treatment:  1 Day

Disadvantages: No disadvantage, refusing rest and care can possibly result in the injury level increasing.


Level 2 || Moderate

Injuries: Sprains, Small Gash(es), Mild Infection, Joint Dislocation

Illnesses: Fleas, Eye Infection, Early Stage Heatstroke, Ticks

Rest Time:

With Treatment: 4 Successful Healing Rolls, 3 Days

Without Treatment: 5 Days Rest

Disadvantages: Roll Disadvantage on all skill rolls, refusing rest and care will result in injury level increase.


Level 3 || Serious

Injuries: Large Gash(es), Bone Fracture, Serious Infection

Illnesses: Serious Flew infestation, Serious Tick Infestation, Early Stage Blackcough, Mid Stage Heatstroke

Rest Time:

With Treatment: 7 Successful Healing Rolls, 6 Days

Without Treatment: 10 Days Rest

Disadvantages: All skills are lowered by one level until the injury level decreases, or until they're healed.


Level 4 || Severe

Injuries: Broken Bone(s), Excessive Blood Loss, Severe Infection, Multiple Large Gashes

Illnesses: Mid-stage Blackcough, Late-Stage Heatstroke, Extreme Tick/Flea Infestation

Rest Time:

With Treatment: 12 Successful Healing Rolls, 15 Days

Without Treatment: 20 Days

Disadvantages: Unable to perform any skill rolls if refusing rest and care, will result in injury level increase.


Level 5 || Critical

Injuries: Broken Bone(s) (Spine, Neck, Skull), Multiple Deep Gashes (Holes, Bone Exposed), Organ Damage, Extreme Infection

Illnesses: Extreme Tick/Flea Infestation (80%+), Late Stage Blackcough, Final Stage Heatstroke

Rest Time:

With Treatment: 15 Successful Healing Rolls, 20 Days

Without Treatment: Guaranteed Death

Disadvantages: Unable to move without killing the character. Characters that survive this injury level have a 50% chance of being permanently disabled.

Illness/Injury Progression
  • When an injury/illness is obtained, the disadvantages of that illness/injury do not go into effect until that thread ends.

  • You may not gain an injury level any higher than 2 when getting injured from a Natural 1 roll. Meaning if you get more than 2 Nat 1 rolls in a thread, they only stack up to injury level 2 and no higher.

  • Illnesses are randomly rolled every 2 in-game months, this process is voluntary.

  • Your character is contagious until all healing rolls have been completed, if a week passes before your healing rolls are completed, characters you've come into contact with will be rolled to see if they've contracted the illness.

  • An injury that isn't healed within a week will worsen.


Sour Stomach​

Contracted by: Eating rotting food, drinking tainted water, drinking too much milk, eating bones.

Symptoms: Stomach Ache, Bloating, Vomiting, Diarrhea


  • Young are typically prone to this illness.

  • This illness can act as a symptom to other illnesses.



Contracted by: Excessive sun exposure, excessive heat exposure

Symptoms: Collapse, Labored Breathing/Panting, Mentally Slow, Vomiting (can be bloody), Diarrhea (can be bloody), bleeding gums, seizures


  • Can often be mitigated with a cool bath and drinking water.


Black Cough

Contracted by: Cold Weather, exposure to illness

Symptoms: Fever, Cough, Sore Throat, Running Nose, Body Aches, Headaches, Fatigue, Sour Stomach


  • Highly contagious and mild in its early stages, if left untreated, can become very serious very quickly.


Contracted by: Lack of hygiene, wandering through dense foliage

Symptoms: Intense itch, nausea, fatigue, hair loss, fleas/ticks in fur


  • Very common parasites that are extremely contagious, can infect an entire tribe very quickly.

  • If left untreated for too long, can prove fatal. These parasites weaken the victim, leaving them prone to other illnesses.

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