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Trait List

Here you can find all of our available species traits, all traits are applicable to all species unless otherwise stated. Click an image to view information about it.

Random Mutations

Random mutations can only be obtained through breeding, and they occur randomly and rarely, independent of the parents' genetics. Starters cannot roll these mutations upon creation.


Albino animals have a genetic mutation that prevents them from producing melanin, resulting in white fur, pink skin, and red eyes.


Melanism is a genetic condition in which animals produce excess melanin, resulting in black fur and dark-colored eyes.


Causes the animal to have 2 genotypes, a portion of the animal often looks completely different from the rest of its body.

Spotty Skin

Some animals are born with spots on their skin, regardless of genetics. This only affects the animal's appearance.


Causes one eye to be a different color than the other. This includes all types of heterochromia.



Causes loss of pigment in the skin and fur as the animal ages, they appear normal when young, but grow patchier as they age.

Common Traits
Uncommon Traits
Rare Traits
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