Skills & Stats
Oridenia offers up to nine distinct skills for your character to learn and master, which are essential for navigating the dangerous environment of Oridenia. The higher the level of a skill, the more adept your character will become at using it.
Rules & Guidelines
Skills must be rolled before a post is written.
You may only focus on a maximum of 2 skills per roleplay, these focused skills will be the ones that you will earn EXP in, regardless if you use other skills in the roleplay.
You may not use the same skill multiple times in the same post. When rolling a skill, you roll once and that roll is used for that post. Any rolls after that are for new posts, not the same one. You cannot hunt and swim multiple times in one post, only once.
Obtaining EXP & Levelling Up
It's the responsibility of players to keep track of their EXP in a specific skill. Our staff only keep track of your character's current skill level and the total amount of EXP earned over their lifetime.
If your character is ready to level up in a skill (100xp), please notify staff in #help-me, so we can update the masterlist.
The amount of EXP you earn per skill roll is based on success and failure. Some skills have a more elaborate way of calculating EXP.
How to Skill Roll
Oridenia's roleplaying system takes inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, incorporating a dice roll mechanic to add an element of unpredictability and excitement. Rather than allowing players complete control over their characters' actions, we use dice rolls to determine the outcomes of certain actions.
Our skill rolling system is simple and requires minimal math. To make a skill roll, players can enter a command in our #bot-cmds channel, consisting of the name of the skill and the character's skill level. From there, a bot will give you an outcome in text format, telling you the result of the roll!
Skill Bonuses
As a way to assist lower skill-level characters, characters level 2 and lower receive a boost to their EXP when they are mentored, or when they work together using a skill.
Mentorship Bonus
This bonus can be obtained when a higher level character teaches a lower level.
Mentor must be 2 levels above the student.
EXP bonus can only be applied to one skill.
Bonus: +15% XP
Cooperation Bonus
This bonus applies when a group work together on a skill.
Only applies to a group of 3+
At least one character in the RP must be level 3+ in the chosen skill.
The EXP bonus can only be applied to one skill.
Bonus: +10% XP
Hunting Skill
Commands: /r water#, wetland#, land#, arctic#, air#
Hunting is a skill that most creatures must utilize and have some experience in, in order to survive.
You may hunt anywhere as long as it is not within a tribe's camp territory tile. It is best to hunt in your own territory, hunting in other tribe's territory can cause conflict.
You're limited to 4 hunting attempts per roleplay thread, regardless of success or failure. Once you hit you fourth attempt, you may not continue to hunt for the duration of the roleplay.
You're also limited to the amount of prey you can hunt in a single roleplay.
Tier 1 = 4 Maximum​
Tier 2 = 2 Maximum
Tier 3 = 1 Maximum
Users may only initiate hunts with tier 1 and 2 prey without staff interference. Tier 3 prey require staff permission and interference, as tier 3 prey are large and require multiple successful hits to take down.
Tier 3 prey hunts may be initiated regardless of a character's skill level, however these hunts are dangerous. Throwing your character into this situation can result in death or severe injury.​
Tracking Skill
Commands: /r track#
Tracking is typically a skill used to find hidden players, or help give a bonus to other skills
A successful tracking roll can reveal hidden players if the result is higher than the opponent's stalking roll.
Successful tracking rolls can be combo'd with the foraging or hunting skills. Which allows you to roll hunting/foraging twice and take the higher roll for your post.​
Example: I roll a 15 in tracking, since this was successful, I can use this to combo with my hunting skill. So I would roll a hunting roll twice and take the higher roll.​
Swimming Skill
Commands: /r swim#
Swimming is not a critical skill by any means in Oridenia, as there are limited rivers or lakes that one might need to swim in. However, this skill can be paired with hunting to get a combo for fishing!
Whenever you're in water where your paws do not touch the ground, you must roll a die for each post that you're not grounded.
Rolling two failed drowning rolls while your character is in water, they may drown. If this happens, ping staff in the #bot-cmds channel, and staff will roll to see if your character dies or gets washed up on shore, alive.
Climbing Skill
Commands: /r climb#
The climbing skill determines one's proficiency in climbing, to be used when climbing trees, mountains, or cliff faces.
For every post that your character is not steady and not on solid ground, you must make a skill roll.
If your character falls from a great height, your character may gain an injury. The bot will tell you the outcome of the roll, including any injuries you gain.
Foraging Skill
Commands: /r forage#
Foraging is a skill used to search for wild food sources, primarily plant material. You can forage objects such as mushrooms, roots, berries, and herbs.
You can forage anywhere as long as it is not within a tribe's camp territory tile. It is is best to forage in your own territory, foraging in other tribe's territory can cause conflict.
Every time your character attempts to utilize the foraging skill, you must make a skill roll, this roll will determine whether you find anything or not, as well as the rarity of the plant, and how many uses you manage to get.
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You're limited to 4 foraging attempts per roleplay thread regardless of success or failure. once you hit your fourth attempt, you may not continue to forage for the duration of the roleplay.
Sneaking Skill
Commands: /r sneak#
Sneaking can be used to sneak up on other players and animals, as well as keep yourself hidden.
Every post you make attempting to sneak up on someone, or something, you must make a roll.
Successful sneaking rolls can be combo'd with the hunting or battling skills. Which allows you to roll hunting/battling twice and take the higher roll for your post.
Example: I roll a 18 in sneaking, since this was successful, I can use this to combo with my battling skill, unless my opponent has already spotted me. So I would roll battling twice and take the higher roll.​
Battle Skill
Commands: /r battle#
The battle skill is crucial for both intense fights and friendly sparring, as it determines your ability to land successful hits in combat. Friendly sparring will not result in injuries higher than minor level, regardless of rolls.
You may only attempt to attack your opponent 3 times per post.
When roleplaying an attack, leave you posts open-ended so your opponent is able to react.
The amount of damage you deal per hit is based on a d10 roll when the hit attempt is successful.
Every character starts a battle with 100% health unless they have a previous injury or disability.
If you wish to block or dodge an attack, you must use a roll that is higher than your opponent's highest successful roll. Once you dodge or block an attack, that counts as a battle attempt and counts toward your 3 attempt limit.
When blocking or dodging an attack, you must determine if using one of your rolls is worth using toward blocking or dodging instead of attacking. Any damage for that roll is not counted.​
If you're successfully hit in battle, the severity of the wound is based on the amount of damage dealt, the bot will tell you what level wound you received.
When a character surrenders, the battle is over. The winner may not kill a character who has surrendered, unless permission is obtained from the character's owner to do so.
Taming Skill
Commands: /r tame#
Unlike other games, Oridenia allows players to tame the wild NPCs of the world.
You're limited to 4 taming attempts per roleplay thread and must make a skill roll before each post to determine the action of the animal and the success of the roll.
It takes 4 successful tame attempts to tame a tier 1 animal, 12 for tier 2, and 28 for tier 3. Tier 4 animals are not tamable unless through a special event.
It takes 6 unsuccessful tame attempts to scare the animal away forever.​
It takes 3 consecutive failed tame attempts to scare the animal away for that roleplay, however you may attempt to tame them again in a new roleplay.
Animals bred in captivity have their tame time halved.
Tier 1 prey animals are not tamable, they're too flighty and skittish.
Wild tamed predators require regular interaction or they will leave.
Interact with your tamed predator at least once every two IG months to keep them from leaving. your side. Failure to interact with them will cause them to leave and become wild once again.
You may not keep a tamed animal as a companion unless you have a companion token. If you tame an animal and lack a token, you can give the animal to someone else, give it to your tribe, or set it free.
Healing Skill
Commands: /r heal#
The healing skill offers the ability to diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses. A skilled healer is an essential member in any community.
You may only attempt to heal 6 times per roleplay thread, and must make a skill roll before each post.​
Characters may heal themselves if they're at least level 2 healing.
If you try to heal someone or yourself without the use of herbs, you must roll at a disadvantage.
Roll twice and take the lower roll each attempt.
If your character is using herbs, every healing attempt uses herbs regardless of failure or success. Subtract 1 herb for every skill roll.
If a healing roll fails and causes an injury to get worse, you may have someone make an assist roll.
Assists use one herb per roll just like all other healing rolls.​
If the assist is lower than the initial roll, you can keep the higher roll.
Assist rolls do give XP to whoever is the assistant.
Assisting someone with their failed heal does not make it successful, it simply prevents the injury from getting worse.
Assist rolls need to be done before a post, containing the initial failed roll is made. An assist roll cannot be used if the initial roll was already used!
Skill Bonus Inheritance
On top of skill levels, characters can also inherit skill boosts or hinderances from their parents, encouraging more selective breeding and activity before having a litter. Higher level parents have a higher chance of giving a boost to their children. Lower level parents have a higher chance of giving their children a hinderance. Parents that already have boosts and hinderances themselves have a higher chance of passing those to their children as well.
Skill Boosts
Commands: /r skill#boost
Skill boosts give a small boost to your skill rolls and EXP gain.
Hunter's Instinct = +1 & +3% EXP Hunting
Nomad = +1 & +3% EXP Foraging
Powerful Nose = +1 & +3% EXP Tracking
Feather Paws = +1 & +3% EXP Stalking
River Treader = +1 & +3% EXP Swimming
Branch Swinger = +1 & +3% EXP Climbing
Crushing Strength = +1 & +3% EXP Battle
Tender Touch = +1 & +3% EXP Healing
Guardian = +1 & +3% EXP Taming
Boosts can only be applied to a single skill at a time, and must be used when rolling for that skill.
Skill Hinderances
Commands: /r skill#hinder
Skill hinderances hinder your skill rolls and EXP gain.
Slow Reflexes = -1 & -3% EXP Hunting
Poor Memory = -1 & -3% EXP Foraging
Dull Senses = -1 & -3% EXP Tracking
Shrill Strident = -1 & -3% EXP Stalking
Water Gulper = -1 & -3% EXP Swimming
Weak Limbs = -1 & -3% EXP Climbing
Fragile = -1 & -3% EXP Battle
Forgetful = -1 & -3% EXP Healing
Rough Handler = -1 & -3% EXP Taming
Hinderances can only be applied to a single skill at a time and must be used when rolling for that skill.