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Breeding & Reproduction Guide

This guide will provide a detailed breakdown of how Oridenia facilitates the mechanics of mates and breeding, which are among the most enjoyable aspects of any RPG game, allowing players to start families and explore the complexities of romantic relationships and raising young.

General Guidelines
  • In Oridenia, all types of romantic pairing are accepted and welcomed, including heterosexual, homosexual, polyamorous, and casual flings. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to choose the type of relationship that suits their personal preference.

  • Characters must be a minimum of 3 years old in order to reproduce.

  • Characters must have an activity level of 2 before they can reproduce.

  • Oridenia allows pairing between characters owned by the same player.

  • Same sex relationships must either find a stud/surrogate to host their offspring, or they may purchase an item from the shop that combines only their genes to create a litter.

Courtship Requirements

To have a litter in Oridenia, the courtship requirements must be met. The requirements, however, depend on the type of relationship your character is looking to have:

  • Romantic Relationship - If your character is seeking a long-term romantic relationship, they must complete 5 courtship roleplays. These roleplays may be reused in the future to have more litters.

  • Flings - If your character is having a fling, they are only required to complete 2 courtship roleplays. However, flings do not guarantee a litter, and these roleplays cannot be reused to have more litters in the future.


To complete a courtship, your character must engage in at least 2 roleplays using the following topics:

  1. First-Time Meeting

  2. Confessing love for one another


To meet the requirements of a romantic relationship, additional roleplays are required. The topics of these roleplays are entirely up to the users, as long as the characters are engaging in some form of bonding activity such as hunting together, sharing meals, talking about the future of the relationship, or simply spending time together.


If your character is trying to court multiple characters simultaneously, you must complete the courtship requirements for each character separately. Additionally, each courtship roleplay can only be used for one character at a time, so you cannot use the same roleplay for two or more courted characters.


If your relationship requires a stud/surrogate to have a litter, you must have one roleplay including your chosen stud/surrogate, discussing the plan for a litter, and having the stud/surrogate accept the request.

Eligibility Requirements

Before your character(s) may have a litter, they must meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3 years or older.

  • Have an activity level of 2.

  • Complete 5 courtship roleplays - 2 for flings.

Services & Offspring

Stud/Surrogate Services

  • Anyone may offer their character for a stud/surrogate service as long as their characters meets the eligibility requirements.

  • Users may choose to offer said services for free, or for a fee.


Offspring Sales/Ownership Details

  • You may sell/giveaway/trade any offspring you generate through breeding.

  • Ownership details regarding a litter must be sorted out before the litter is born.


Litter Requests

  • You must submit a request via Discord and have it approved before your character may have a litter.

Litters & Timing

In some rare scenario, where a lot of characters are having litters at once, staff may stagger due dates, or put some litters on hold to try to space out litters. This is done in hopes of relieving some pressure on staff, and the offspring market. If there's too many offspring at once, adopting them out to players becomes increasingly difficult.

Pregnancy & Offspring

Litter Limits

  • Toko'rin - 8 kits in one litter, maximum


Breeding Limits

  • Toko'rin

    • Does may breed with up to 3 bucks to generate a single a litter, she must allow a cooldown of 8 months between litters.​

    • Bucks may breed with up to 5 does a year.


Pregnancy Duration

  • Toko'rin - 20 - 27 days/1 month​



After a character becomes pregnant, it's the parents' responsibility to determine the ownership of the offspring and find suitable players to portray them (while the parents still retain ownership of the character). The process of finding players to play as their offspring is entirely up to the parents. If the parents would rather not use the offspring for roleplay, they can give them away, sell them, or send them to the shelter.

Inbreeding & Accompanying Consequences

While inbreeding is permitted in Oridenia, it's important to note that it can have severe consequences. It's highly recommended to check the lineage of other characters before choosing to pair with them to avoid any potential issues. If the character you're breeding with is related to your character within the last 3 generations, penalties may apply. The extent of the penalties depends on the degree of relatedness, with closer relationships resulting in more severe penalties. Breeding with characters further in the lineage reduces the likelihood of any penalties.


Inbreeding Penalties

Penalties are cumulative based on the level of inbreeding present, the higher the inbreeding percentage, the higher the likelihood of illness. For instance, a first-generation inbred character has a 30% chance of being born sick, while a second-generation inbred character has a 50% chance of being born sick. Beyond that, it's nearly guaranteed that offspring will be born sick, or dead:

  • 30% Chance of illness - Base chance for unrelated individuals is 3%

    • 5% Blindness​

    • 5% Deafness

    • 3% Infertility

    • 7% Brittle Bones - Gets injured easily, develops severe injuries faster, hinders all skills.

    • 10% Stillborn

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