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Tribes & Guilds

Players can create their own Tribes in the game, as long as they meet the necessary requirements and follow the guidelines. Tribes have the freedom to manage their own territory, remain nomadic, ally with other Tribes, and have diplomatic influence in the game's lore. By forming their own unique societies, Tribes create a vibrant, diverse game world.


Guilds are mini groups that can be specific to certain Tribes, or available to all players. They often stand for a specific purpose or ideology, such as a Guild of Thieves. Though they do not have their own territory, Guilds create a vibrant and diverse setting, as each one stands for something unique and can have members from all over Oridenia.

Rules & Guidelines

General Conduct

The introduction of Tribes and Guilds to the game allows all players, not just the staff, to take part in the creation of their own group. However, with this feature comes the responsibility of being kind and respectful to your fellow players, as is expected in the TOS. Abuse of group privileges will not be tolerated, and players who are found to be doing so may have their group privileges revoked. We at Oridenia, believe that groups should be a feature for everyone to enjoy, not just for those in staff positions.


Activity Requirements

Players must be Level 4 and possess a Tribe Token in order to create a Tribe, and Level 3 with a Guild Token to create a Guild. Once established, Tribes and Guilds must remain active. Tribes must produce at least 3 roleplays every two months (4 in-game months), and Guilds must produce at least 1 roleplay every two months. If a Tribe or Guild fails to do so, they will be disbanded and all members will become Loners. To re-establish the Tribe or Guild, players must start the process from the beginning.


Members & Characters

Groups require a minimum of 3 characters to get started, with at least 5 characters and 2 players needed to register the Group. After registration, members can join and leave as they please, and there is no minimum number of members required to keep the Group active.



Groups are completely self-governed, allowing the owner to decide the culture, laws, and whether the group is open to new members or not. If you would like to make any changes to your Tribe or Guild, please contact a staff member on our Discord.


Unoriginality & Media

You may not copy or heavily reference other Tribes or Guilds when creating your own, unless the original creator gives explicit permission to do so. You may, however, base your culture on media, as long as any names, titles, and specific references are removed to prevent any form of copyright issues.

Group Perks

Creating or joining a group comes with various advantages and perks, let's cover the tribe perks first:

  • Claim, manage, and fight for territory.

  • Become allies or rivals with other tribes.

  • Develop your own unique culture, rituals, hierarchy system, and laws.

  • Get your own private tribe chat and forum for private chatting, roleplaying, and tracking information.

  • Get your own tribe-specific discord roles.

  • Get your own tribe map markers, and timeline

  • Tribe leaders and staff-only chat.


Guild perks:

  • Develop your own group with custom rules and rank system.

  • Be associated with other tribes without having as much political affect.

  • Get your own guild-specific discord roles.

  • Guilds-only chat.

Creating Your Group

Use the following to outline your group's information, we ask that you use a google doc or something similar to store the information until you're ready to submit it for approval.


Summary: Explain your group's culture in under 2 paragraphs.

Territory: Reserved for tribes, explain where you would like your territory to be and how you want it laid out, use our grid map to find a tile to claim!

History: What is your group's history?

Beliefs or Religion: Does your group have a special belief or religion?

Holidays, Rituals & Ceremonies: Does your group celebrate any special holidays, or perform ceremonies or rituals? Reserved for tribes.

Laws: What laws does your group follow, what happens if someone breaks the law? Include both IC and OOC consequences.

Allies/Rivals?: List your groups standing with other groups.

Ranks/Hierarchy: List your group's ranks or hierarchy from highest rank to lowest and what their tasks and responsibilities are.

Roster: List your current member's characters, ranks highest to lowest.

Territory Management

Territory is separated into tiles, each one measuring 7 miles. When setting up a Tribe, players may claim any unoccupied tile as their camp. This will be the home of all the Tribe's members, and cannot be used for hunting. Each territory tile can house up to 5 characters, if you wish to expand your member limit, you must expand your territory. Players may continue to exist on this tile until their Tribe meets the requirements to get registered, they may not claim more than one tile until they're registered. If another Tribe claims the tile, players must move. Registered Tribes have priority on territory claims.


To claim more tiles, Tribe members must work together to mark a territory tile all the way up to 100%, as empty tiles are not considered claimed until they hit 100% of a Tribe's claim. Claimed tiles will only automatically unclaim if the claim hits 0%. Tribes can also fight over territory, as bordering tiles that are touching another Tribe's territory can have their claim percentage dropped by the neighboring Tribe's efforts. If the claim drops below 20%, the rival Tribe will claim that tile as their own. Border tiles that touch other Tribe's territories also drop claim percentage faster than open border tiles, which drop 3% a day, while closed border tiles (tiles touching neighboring Tribe territories), drop by 5% a day.


Players may only claim tiles that are touching their already claimed tiles, excluding their very first claim. They may not claim more than one territory section at once (a cluster of claimed tiles). Furthermore, they cannot claim pure ocean or water tiles. If a lake or pond is located within their territory, players must claim around it, not directly over it.

Tribe Management

Every 3 in-game months, your tribe will be visited by the Census Seekers Guild, this is a staff-only guild that gathers tribe information for the census. This information affects how your group appears on the website, so if you want your information to be as up to date as possible, you will not turn away the guild!


What kind of information does the Census Seekers Guild expect when they visit?:

​1.) The current leaders or council of the tribe, if the leadership has changed or rotated, why?

2.) Any rank changes concerning the tribe's members, this includes any banishments and why?

3.) Any major or minor events, such as wars, conflicts, battles, territory changes, plagues, etc.

4.) Any deaths and births within the tribe, general population count.

5.) Any territory gained or lost.


Website information will not be updated between guild visits, unless it has something to do with correcting information or mistakes. To ensure your tribe's history is accurate, we ask that you store Census Seeker report information on a google doc to give to us so we can update your tribe page in full. Census Seekers does not visit other guilds as we do not track guild history like we track tribe history, however you may track it personally.

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